There are many things I hate. Such as when a jack ass presses all the buttons on an elevator before they get off, spinache, bras and panties, knees, people, and teenage sluts.
I hate teenage sluts. I hate them because they wear so much fucking makeup you think they are 20. Like wtf? You don't need to use a whole tube of black eyeliner. Like no. Ill admit I wear a lot of makeup at least 3 layers of eye shadow but it looks natural. Not like I just got done with my shift as a clown at the circus.
Another thing I hate about them is they are all popular. Like wtf? Is that what popularity is based on these days? The sluttiest is
Ike th queen bee?
I'm Gona start numbering these
3.) gets all the guys.
What I don't get is all the slutty girls get all the guys. Is that all boys want? A slutty girl? What ever happened to a relationship based on love and whats inside. I will be honest I have not gone out with guys based on looks and popularity. And it's wrong. I mean I'd cry if someone did that to me. Well actually they did and I felt bad and I cried.
4.) duck face.
3 words. DON'T DO IT. no one likes it. It's unattractive and just makes you look mentally retarded.
5.) even the poor ones have cool clothes.
How is that? There are girls at my school who come from a poor family but she has all hollister, American eagle, straw berry, wet seal, and all these brand name things but like a lot of my jeans are from penny's and same with my cami's and my shorts and shoes are from Payless not ugg or Any where expensive,
6.) they are all skinny
Ok. So I'm on a swim team, I run on the treadmill when ever I have time, but none of the sluts do any sports what so ever. How are you fucking skinny like a twig!!?!?!? I don't get that?
7.) they piss me off.
Well that concludes my blog on what I hate-sluts

“Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you'll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone.”“Sophistication isn't what you wear, or who you know, Or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go.” ― Taylor Swift
Friday, December 30, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
oh yeah so there's this really sexy girl and her name is marissa and like wowww she's so hot! like i hate her and her hottness yanno how how she is it should be ILLEGAL to be that hot and she likes this boy and he's stupid or gay because any boy who doesn't like her back must be gay. and she's like so freaking amazing i wish i was just like her and she's my idol and she's so awesome i would tap that too bad she's straight.
im about as straight as this line : VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
ok bye now
im about as straight as this line : VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
ok bye now
Monday, December 5, 2011
so if your lising... please help me..
So there is this girl.. And everytime me and her are togethor (JUST US) we have such a great time and were laughing and were like best friends(NOT REALLY) but anyway when im with her and a whole other bunch of people she treats me like dirt... like for example on time me and her and our whole group of friends had a sleepover and i was texting and she got mad cause i was texting my best friend and my boyfriend. then she turned everyone against me. then i got upset and she made it seem like my fault. and i was really upset so i sat on the couch and plugged in my headphones and blasted taylor swift music in my ears since she always makes me feel better and i wouldnt be able to hear anyone else since i was upset. so then she got mad at me for that and made everyone else mad too. ALSO when its me and her shell talk about people then go and be there best friend. That pisses me off. then i found out she does it to me too... I really want to be friends with this girl but what do i do? so if your listing... please help me..
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Fun Facts About Jews
* Jews did WTC
* If you do not support Jews or Israel, or if you like Arabs, then you are a terrorist.
* Every single person ever to edit Wikipedia is a Jew (See The Wikipedia Jews).
* All Jews Are Inbread (oven joke or typo? who knows...)
* Jews are the only group of people in all of human history to ever be persecuted. They are the only race in all eternity to have a Holocaust done against them. Ever. Ever.
* Jews own all the banks and the majority of the world's financial and political assets and use these to advance the interests of Israel, and at the same time are advocating a worldwide internationalist Communist conspiracy which would destroy the world's capitalist establishment. This makes sense.
* Currently furries compare themselves to the Jews because Nazis are oppressing them. Along with everyone else.
* Tripping a Jew is considered good luck in Australian and New Zealand cultures, as is telling them to "Go have a shower", which nearly always results in lulz.
* Jews can shapeshift! Beware!
* GOD DOES NOT HATE THE JEWS!!! Such a claim is outrageous. Surely if he hated them he would have sent someone down to try & wipe them all out or something. (See Hitler.)
* Although no-one knows a Jews true appearance, we assume they look similar to, but maybe not exactly like furries.
* Jews are one of the very few mammals whose life cycle includes eggs. After the JEW EGG has been laid by the female, it can only be fertilized by a doctor or a lawyer.
* Jews eat Aryan and Arab young. One can wonder why, as they are not kosher, being pigs.
* Yaweh does not protect jews from bulldozers. Or anything really.
* All Jews know Jew-Jitsu. Lawl.
* Jews were the only people persecuted by the Nazis to get a free country out of it. As none of the other people persecuted during Hitler's European Tour got a free country they actually did quite well out of the Holocaust.
* Arabic, the language of the Quran, is the most commonly used semitic language. Therefore anti-semitism is closer to anti-islam than anti-judaism.
* The majority of the world's chubby, high maintenance girls are Jews.
* Quasidan and Simone are Jews. And no one else.
* Jesus was hated by the Jews and the Romans even up to the point of Romans colluding with the untermech to kill him by nailing his hide to 2 planks of timber and transforming him into a kebab.
* Jews have nukes. Nobody dares fuck with them. Except Palestinians, armed as they are with stones, pointy sticks and their newly-developed bulldozer repellent.
* The Holocaust is completely irrelevant. Bring this up frequently whilst in the company of Jews. After all, it's hard to stay angry at someone who had just made you laugh.
* Snob pieces of shit that need to be sent to the furnace, right now
* Jews and Israel are intertwined. You cannot hate one without hating the other.
* Jews are known for their Jew gold, the bags of gold they carry around their necks.
* Jews are hogging the holocaust
* Jews are sexy, and I am in fact making out with one right now A GIANT FAGGOT.
* Jews are so greedy, they won't even share the benefits of the Holohoax with the gypsies or the fags
* On average, an adult male Jew will consume over 6 times his own body weight in Palestinian blood each day
* Jews are never wrong, never guilty, and never responsible for anything.
* Jews drive Yom Kippur Clippers, Cars that are known to stop on a dime and pick it up.
* In Jews' defense, at least they aren't furries
* Hitler proved that Jews must be furries after
* Jews are the most Trollable people on the earth, so they are excellent for beginnerTrolls or older and wiser trolls that just want some easy fun.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
You stole my best friend now I'm left in the dust...
Ever since you came to my school and met my best friend I knew this was coming but I didn't expect it to be like this. You came and you took her like that. I know you have a bond because your parents are both divorced and you came from around the same area in Texas, but did you have to steal my best friend? I want to talk to you both about it but all you'll say is " I can be friends with who ever I want""Your not the boss of who I'm friends with"" Why do you care you have a different best friend." And I do have a different best friend cause my other one was stolen from me. And you always treat me like shit and get mad at me for no reason. You tell me lies and think its funny when you tell me the truth and say you were just kidding. When you make fun of how me and my sister fight and I get mad but you think its funny. You don't see anything wrong with the way you treat me, and here I am sitting her crying because i finally got this off my chest and I don't know what to do. Because you stole my best friend and now I'm left out in the dust...
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
im not changing for anyone especially your asses
dear zeke and gokie, i know you think im a slut and annoying and in someways your right. sometimes i wear my shirts a little low and my shorts a little high but thats just how i dress. i know i dance a little dirty and grind a little at my school dances but thats just how i have fun. i know i laugh a little loud and talk a little more than i should but maybe im laughing at something more funny than you think and maybe thats because all my life i complained about noone listing to me so i talk louder so they hear me. and i know sometimes i say something a little inappropriate but maybe me and my friends find it funny and you dont but hey thats not my problem and maybe you dont like the things i do but ya know what you can kiss my ass cause thats who i am and im not changing for anyone especially your asses.
Monday, October 10, 2011
why do i care for the people who hurt me most?
so here i am. tired as fuck and im at my friends house, and im always the first one asleep so my "friend" and my sister thought it would be funny to draw on my face while i was sleeping. its not like this wasnt the first time it happend and they know i get mad when they do it. but they thought theyd be "smart" and try to clean it off before i woke up. well they must be purly stupid of they think they could do all that and have me still be sound asleep. now im not even sure if i want to stay friends with this girl cause shes been acting more and more like a bitch and has been treating me like shit. thats all i feel like nowadays. for example after swimming this bitch and her "bff" were taking me home so we went to taco bell for dinner and them to sat at one table with the bitches mom and step dad and i had to sit all alone. i felt like locking myself in my room and crying. i mean they didnt even see anything wrong with it. i feel like half of me wants to ditch them and the other half wants to stay friends with those bitches . so i have one question, why do i care for the people who hurt me most?
Monday, September 26, 2011
the thing that makes life worth it are people living it with you...
so today i was thinking about my life. and i realized ive had a pretty tough life. ive been through times where i was so happy i felt like flying to times ive been so sad ive wanted to kill myself. but i have to thank the people who made me soo happy to be alive and the people who made and still make my life a living hell. you must think im crazy for saying i want to thank the people who have made my life a living hell but im not. i want to thank them because i think about what would my life be like without them. well think of my life as one long movie. everyone likes some good drama in a movie, fight here, a stolen boy friend there, thats just the way life is. and i wouldnt like my movie if there wasnt any drama or break up make ups first kisses bullies or any of that good stuff. but who would i be if i was never bullied, broken up with the day after valentines day, had my best friend movie to virginia, who would i be. so but i guess the thing that makes life worth it are the people living it with you.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Admitting it is just the first step...
Well I have always thought I was fat. Since I was 9 years old. I used to be so convinced I was fat for so long. I still think I am. I am trying to tell myself that I'm not, but nothing is working. Every time I go to get clothes or look in the mirror I feel so fat. Especially at Areo and Hollister because I am a 5\6 pant size in Areo and a Medium in Hollister. When ever my friends tell me what size they are I feel so fat because it is smaller than mine. I just hate feeling like I am. Probably because I have been called fat before, but I don't want to get into that story. I hate saying I am. I wish I wouldn't but I do. I mean like I have some amazing friends and a wonderful boyfriend who would do anything for me and I hate saying I'm fat. I don't want to lose them because I say it. I would be lost without them. I know what your thinking. She's only 13 almost 14 and she is saying she'll be lost without her boyfriend, but before we started dating we was like my best friend. And same with my friends. I mean they say I'm not countless times but I still feel like I am. But I guess I feel like I am because I'm not an active person and I don't have any muscle. Just jiggly fat. And I'm sorry to everyone I piss off when I say I am. But I guess admitting it is just the first step...
You know my name not my story is what I want to think....
ok so the title says it all. there are these kids from wyoming seminary and they think they know me but they don't at least thats what i want to think. they think my like bestfriend,my sister and me are all sluts. and now im starting to believe them. im not going to say their names but they know who they are. so last night i started crying because of it because what if thats what people get from me as a first impression and thats why they think im a slut. my friend keeps telling me they know are names not our story and were not sluts,skanky,annoying bitches like they say we are. my boyfriend and my friend keep telling me that they are leing and so are all my other friends that i ask. but ive been through this before where i was called a skank and a slut and obsessive and a lesbian but it was by my so called friends. so its hard to believe my friends. if anyone is listing you know my name and not my story is what i want to think.
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