Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fun Facts About Jews

* Jews did WTC
* If you do not support Jews or Israel, or if you like Arabs, then you are a terrorist.
* Every single person ever to edit Wikipedia is a Jew (See The Wikipedia Jews).
* All Jews Are Inbread (oven joke or typo? who knows...)
* Jews are the only group of people in all of human history to ever be persecuted. They are the only race in all eternity to have a Holocaust done against them. Ever. Ever.
* Jews own all the banks and the majority of the world's financial and political assets and use these to advance the interests of Israel, and at the same time are advocating a worldwide internationalist Communist conspiracy which would destroy the world's capitalist establishment. This makes sense.
* Currently furries compare themselves to the Jews because Nazis are oppressing them. Along with everyone else.
* Tripping a Jew is considered good luck in Australian and New Zealand cultures, as is telling them to "Go have a shower", which nearly always results in lulz.
* Jews can shapeshift! Beware!
* GOD DOES NOT HATE THE JEWS!!! Such a claim is outrageous. Surely if he hated them he would have sent someone down to try & wipe them all out or something. (See Hitler.)
* Although no-one knows a Jews true appearance, we assume they look similar to, but maybe not exactly like furries.
* Jews are one of the very few mammals whose life cycle includes eggs. After the JEW EGG has been laid by the female, it can only be fertilized by a doctor or a lawyer.
* Jews eat Aryan and Arab young. One can wonder why, as they are not kosher, being pigs.
* Yaweh does not protect jews from bulldozers. Or anything really.
* All Jews know Jew-Jitsu. Lawl.
* Jews were the only people persecuted by the Nazis to get a free country out of it. As none of the other people persecuted during Hitler's European Tour got a free country they actually did quite well out of the Holocaust.
* Arabic, the language of the Quran, is the most commonly used semitic language. Therefore anti-semitism is closer to anti-islam than anti-judaism.
* The majority of the world's chubby, high maintenance girls are Jews.
* Quasidan and Simone are Jews. And no one else.
* Jesus was hated by the Jews and the Romans even up to the point of Romans colluding with the untermech to kill him by nailing his hide to 2 planks of timber and transforming him into a kebab.
* Jews have nukes. Nobody dares fuck with them. Except Palestinians, armed as they are with stones, pointy sticks and their newly-developed bulldozer repellent.
* The Holocaust is completely irrelevant. Bring this up frequently whilst in the company of Jews. After all, it's hard to stay angry at someone who had just made you laugh.
* Snob pieces of shit that need to be sent to the furnace, right now
* Jews and Israel are intertwined. You cannot hate one without hating the other.
* Jews are known for their Jew gold, the bags of gold they carry around their necks.
* Jews are hogging the holocaust
* Jews are sexy, and I am in fact making out with one right now A GIANT FAGGOT.
* Jews are so greedy, they won't even share the benefits of the Holohoax with the gypsies or the fags
* On average, an adult male Jew will consume over 6 times his own body weight in Palestinian blood each day
* Jews are never wrong, never guilty, and never responsible for anything.
* Jews drive Yom Kippur Clippers, Cars that are known to stop on a dime and pick it up.
* In Jews' defense, at least they aren't furries
* Hitler proved that Jews must be furries after
* Jews are the most Trollable people on the earth, so they are excellent for beginnerTrolls or older and wiser trolls that just want some easy fun.